Child’s First Dental Visit: Why It’s Important and How It Impacts Their Psychology
A healthy gum shape and color is an integral part of a charming smile. There are many cases when the gum around the teeth is uneven in shape or height, and because of this, the teeth appear to be different sizes. Nowadays, there are many clinical cases where the main problem is the recession of the gingival tissues. The process of gum recession involves the gradual upward movement of the gum and exposure of the root. Gradually, the gum tissue no longer covers the root of the tooth, which visually makes the tooth appear longer and unaesthetic. Gingival recession is a fairly common disease in both young and middle-aged patients. The problem develops slowly and painlessly. Often, the patient does not even know that there is recession of the gums, because the receding of the gums is a long process and the visual problem shows itself only at the last stage. As for the primary symptoms, the first sign of recession can be increased sensitivity of the tooth, also the patient's own tooth may seem longer than before.
The causes of gum recession are quite diverse and are mostly individual for each patient. Some people are genetically predisposed to having thin gums, which makes them more prone to recession. If you have naturally thin and weak gums, it is especially important to maintain your oral health by scheduling frequent dental visits and using toothpastes and mouthwashes that will strengthen and heal your gums and prevent future complications. In addition to genetic factors, receding gums can be caused by various environmental factors. These can be:
For the most part, patients with receding gums turn to dentists at the last stage of the disease. In a normal case, the gum completely covers the root of the tooth and only the crowns of the teeth are visible in the mouth, however, during recession, this norm is violated and the root of the tooth can be seen freely. Accordingly, the symptomatic manifestation of recession for the patient is, first of all, aesthetic discomfort. Due to the upward movement of the gum (while lowering the lower jaw), the root of the tooth appears in the mouth, therefore, the tooth appears visually elongated. Increased sensitivity also causes discomfort to the patient. If the root of the tooth is not covered by the gum, there is hypersensitivity, mainly when the patient drinks a cold drink. During gingival recession, patients are at risk of caries, because when gingival recession develops and the root of the tooth is no longer covered by gum, it is easily accessible to bacteria, which in itself implies the risk of root cavities (caries).
Blitz Dental - Kakhaber Kharebava Clinic advises you to contact a professional as soon as you discover problems with your gums. If, after a visual inspection, you feel that your teeth are "longer" and your gums are "shorter", definitely schedule a visit to the dentist.
Treatment of gum recession depends on the degree of recession - how high the degree of gum recession is. Anatomically, the gum does not grow back, however, it is possible to mobilize the gum tissue and cover the root of the tooth with microsurgical intervention. In order to achieve a harmonious effect with the patient's oral cavity and facial features, the most proven method is the use of mathematical principles, which takes into account the "golden section" of the crowns and gums in patients with disturbed aesthetics, the pre-determination of biological boundaries and the protection of these boundaries during surgical intervention.
Modern aesthetic dentistry offers patients many different methods that can not only maintain healthy gums and oral cavity, but also correct existing defects using an invasive method. Surgical intervention used during gum recession ensures the health of the patient's mouth and returns him to a healthy charming smile.
Child’s First Dental Visit: Why It’s Important and How It Impacts Their Psychology
Bruxism - Teeth Grinding During Sleep: A Comprehensive Medical Review.
In today’s blog, “Blits Dental - Kakhaber Kharebava Clinic,” we’ll explore the most common myths and facts about teeth whitening. This information will help you make the right decision to enhance your smile.
Innovative technologies help us deliver high-quality, accurate, and fast services to our patients
why it is important to regularly visit the dentist
The need for dental implantation arises when a patient has completely lost a tooth, consequently there is no root in the jawbone.
Tips that will help us protect our children's teeth from caries.
Ultimate Guide to Oral Care Products: Floss, Irrigators, and Toothbrushes for a Healthy Smile.
Understanding Gnathology: Key Insights into Jaw and Dental Health.
Effective caries treatment with dental fillings.
When it comes to orthodontic treatment, many widely believed myths persist
In modern dentistry, bone grafting is one of the most essential procedures that helps prevent jawbone deterioration caused by frequent tooth loss and aids patients in maintaining healthy and functional teeth.
Oral health plays a crucial role in our overall well-being. Consequently, accumulated dental problems often require comprehensive intervention.
There are many methods for tooth restoration in dentistry, but the two most common options are fillings and ceramic inlays.
Braces are an inseparable part of modern dentistry, and no one disputes this because they help people achieve a much healthier and more aesthetically pleasing smile
Tooth loss can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life-altering the aesthetics of their smile, complicating eating, and, in some cases, even affecting speech
Dentistry is one of the fastest-evolving fields in modern medicine. The integration of innovative technologies is continuously transforming dental practice, offering patients higher quality care, greater comfort, and enhanced safety. Blits Dental – Kakhaber Kharebava Clinic introduces state-of-the-art technologies that are setting new standards in dental services in Georgia.
The Impact of Sweets on Dental Health
Sweets are an integral part of people’s daily diet and a significant source of enjoyment, but their impact on dental health is quite serious
What Is Teeth Whitening?
Teeth whitening is a dental procedure aimed at enhancing the color of teeth, removing plaque, and restoring their natural brightness. This process is especially popular among individuals seeking a radiant, naturally appealing, and confident smile.
Child’s First Dental Visit: Why It’s Important and How It Impacts Their Psychology
Bruxism - Teeth Grinding During Sleep: A Comprehensive Medical Review.
In today’s blog, “Blits Dental - Kakhaber Kharebava Clinic,” we’ll explore the most common myths and facts about teeth whitening. This information will help you make the right decision to enhance your smile.
Innovative technologies help us deliver high-quality, accurate, and fast services to our patients
why it is important to regularly visit the dentist
The need for dental implantation arises when a patient has completely lost a tooth, consequently there is no root in the jawbone.
Tips that will help us protect our children's teeth from caries.
Ultimate Guide to Oral Care Products: Floss, Irrigators, and Toothbrushes for a Healthy Smile.
Understanding Gnathology: Key Insights into Jaw and Dental Health.
Effective caries treatment with dental fillings.
When it comes to orthodontic treatment, many widely believed myths persist
In modern dentistry, bone grafting is one of the most essential procedures that helps prevent jawbone deterioration caused by frequent tooth loss and aids patients in maintaining healthy and functional teeth.
Oral health plays a crucial role in our overall well-being. Consequently, accumulated dental problems often require comprehensive intervention.
There are many methods for tooth restoration in dentistry, but the two most common options are fillings and ceramic inlays.
Braces are an inseparable part of modern dentistry, and no one disputes this because they help people achieve a much healthier and more aesthetically pleasing smile
Tooth loss can significantly impact an individual’s quality of life-altering the aesthetics of their smile, complicating eating, and, in some cases, even affecting speech
Dentistry is one of the fastest-evolving fields in modern medicine. The integration of innovative technologies is continuously transforming dental practice, offering patients higher quality care, greater comfort, and enhanced safety. Blits Dental – Kakhaber Kharebava Clinic introduces state-of-the-art technologies that are setting new standards in dental services in Georgia.
The Impact of Sweets on Dental Health
Sweets are an integral part of people’s daily diet and a significant source of enjoyment, but their impact on dental health is quite serious
What Is Teeth Whitening?
Teeth whitening is a dental procedure aimed at enhancing the color of teeth, removing plaque, and restoring their natural brightness. This process is especially popular among individuals seeking a radiant, naturally appealing, and confident smile.