Artistic restoration

To book a visit, sign up for a consultation. To clarify the details, our operator will contact you.

Artistic Restoration This is a procedure to correct acquired and natural defects of the tooth, which is necessary to create a charming smile, through which it is possible to improve the aesthetics of the tooth row.

You will be able to change the toothpaste:

  • Shape
  • Color (whitening)
  • Standing anomaly (Oclusion)
  • Old seal
  • Faded surface
  • Spaces between teeth (diastema, trams)
  • Plaque and non-plaque lesions
  • Traumatic and broken teeth

And all this is possible through artistic restoration.

By fully following the doctor's recommendations, it is possible to maintain a healthy and confident smile for 7-10 years.

Blits Dental - Kakhaber Kharebava Clinic uses the latest generation of nanotechnological radiation-resistant materials (nanocomposites), which are distinguished by high aesthetics, strength and color fastness.