Halitosis And Its Underlying Causes

26 October 2023

Bad breath is a widespread problem nowadays, and nearly fifty percent of the world's adult population complains about it. Halitosis is the medical name of this problem, and it creates discomfort not only for the person with this diagnosis, but also for those around him. Studies conducted in advanced European countries have shown that 50 percent of adults do not take this problem seriously enough, and instead of scheduling a visit to the dentist, they use such means as chewing gum, oral wipes, sprays, etc. to eliminate bad breath. However, all these products are not a way to fight the cause of the problem, but to temporarily stop the symptom/

What Causes Halitosis?

From a medical point of view, bad breath from the mouth varies according to its causes. Of course, in any case, the cause of the smell is unequivocally bacteria accumulated in the oral cavity. A warm and humid environment is an excellent prerequisite for their reproduction. In order to determine exactly what causes halitosis, we must evaluate the reasons that led to the accumulation of bacteria in the oral cavity.

  • Food debris - getting food particles between the teeth and their subsequent rotting leads to the multiplication of bacteria, which in direct proportion means an unpleasant odor.
  • Eating foods with a specific smell - such foods as onions, garlic and spices leave a characteristic unpleasant smell in the mouth.
  • Tobacco - it will not be a surprise to anyone if we say that one of the most common causes of bad breath is tobacco. Almost 70 percent of smokers complain of this problem.
  • Improper maintenance of hygiene - if a person does not brush his teeth properly and does not clean them with dental floss, food residues remain in the mouth and cause an unpleasant smell. Bacteria stick to the surface of the tooth as a colorless sticky mass, and if they are not removed in time, the gums may become irritated.
  • Periodontitis - periodontitis (chronic inflammatory process of the soft tissues of the mouth) also creates discomfort in terms of unpleasant odor. At this time, the pockets between the teeth and gums become clogged with bacteria, and the rough surface of the tongue can become a breeding ground for bacteria. Purulent discharge and bacteria together create an unpleasant odor that is noticeable both to the patient and to those around him.
  • Dry mouth - human saliva in the oral cavity has not only a lubricant but also an antiseptic function. A healthy amount of saliva prevents the growth of bacteria in the mouth. If, due to a specific medical reason, the patient's normal function of saliva secretion is disturbed, sooner or later, halitosis will definitely develop in the oral cavity.
  • Oral infections - bad breath may be caused by an infection in the surgical wounds in the mouth.
  • Diseases of the stomach, duodenum and biliary tract - the health of the human digestive system is directly related to a healthy oral cavity. Diseases such as gastritis, cholecystitis, gallstone diseases, etc. causes the formation of halitosis.
  • Disruption of the normal function of the throat, ears and nose - infections and chronic inflammatory processes in the nose, sinuses and throat, whether it is seasonal rhinitis or permanent hymoritis, causes purulent discharge to enter the oral cavity and esophagus. This process can lead to bacteria growth and unpleasant odors.
  • cancerous growths - some cancerous growths may become the cause of unpleasant odor. Due to these diseases, certain chemical substances are produced in the body, as well as increased acidity in the stomach.

The professional team of "Blits Dental - Kakhaber Kharebava Clinic" recommends the following for the prevention of halitosis:

  • Every day, carefully clean the prosthesis, braces and caps; When maintaining daily hygiene, it is necessary to use a toothbrush, toothpaste and antibacterial wipes suitable for you.
  • Replace the old toothbrush with a new one every 3 months;
  • And most importantly, visit the dentist every 6 months for a professional teeth cleaning.